Friday, 24 July 2015

World Special Olympics team leaves for America

A delegation of 51 athletes, 14 coaches and three officials left the country yesterday for Los Angeles, United States to participate in the 2015 edition of World Special Olympics.

The event, purposed to empower individuals with intellectual disabilities shatter stereotypes, will take place between 25th July and 2nd August this year.

Special Olympics Kenya Sports Manager Ms Susan Masila exuded confidence that the Kenyan team will emerge triumphant. 

“We are ready bring home gold medals,” Ms Masila told Nation in a telephone interview, sentiments that were echoed by Mr Boniface Makumi, the national football coach. 

“We have trained well,” said Mr Makumi, adding: “We have some of the finest athletes who have shone in other international assignments and none of our players is nursing injuries.” 

This year’s World Special Olympics is expected to bring together 6,500 athletes and 2,000 coaches from 165 countries.

According to Ms Masila, the Kenyan team will compete in athletics, beach volleyball, football, swimming, and basketball.